Description de l'article pourHario Drip Pot 480Ml (japan import)
Handy full flannel drip and body depth is different. 3-4 cups. Coffee that is filtered slowly through a small channel in the [Features]-textured, not lost acidity with the original beans, astringency, bitterness and body. Use the ground in, poured the hot water to the extent that the entire powder is wet, [usage] and coffee powder and pour the whole evenly hot water again coffee powder when fully bulge.
- capacity (number of people): 480ml (3 ~ 4 persons) 480ml (3 ~ 4 people)
- 195mm Height width 110 x depth 110 x: size
Les items Hario Drip Pot 480Ml (japan import) Convaincu de la haute qualité et le meilleur prix. Ici, nous avons le produit qui saura vous satisfaire.
Pas le temps d'attendre et de l'ordre, comme quelques-uns encore disponibles à ce prix.
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